Brenda Hicks-Wiggins

Support Specialist

Joined UWM - Apr 2022



Main Responsibilities - Brenda is the Support Specialist for the Education Department. Brenda ensures the confirmations from Instructors on the classes that are being taught. Brenda also ensures Faculty pay is sent out in the timely manner that is set. Brenda makes sure that the Education Department is organized to run smoothly and effectively. Brenda also provides creative insight to the Events Planning Team.

Personal Info - Brenda has been married for 35 years and mother of 2 daughters. Brenda leads a Women's Ministry called JBR (Just Be Real), and also leads a Marriage Ministry Group.  She enjoys the gathering of people to encourage, empower, and engage in/with stories of others, which happens to be her passion.

Ministry Info - Brenda is an ordained Minister at United Believers Community Church.