Miami FL Minister - Center

Posted 1/17/24
Unity Center of Miami
16320 SW 147th Avenue
Miami, FL  33187
Category: Minister Full-Time
Average Sunday Attendance: 25-30 in person/10-12 virtual
Salary: $55,000-$65,000
Moving Expenses Paid:  Moving expense contribution will be considered

Unity Center of Miami (UCM) is seeking a gifted speaker/ teacher, strong leader with a warm heart, forward-thinking visionary, organizer, and a beacon of light who will lead us in growing our community with wisdom, understanding, love & kindness.  Our ideal candidate will radiate love, compassion, humility, kindness, warmth, empathy and authenticity. Candidate must be God-centered, Divinely guided, active practitioner of Unity principles, embraces all forms of diversity and passionate about his/her beliefs and ideals.  

UCM was established in 1978 and its mission is to teach, empower, and support adults and children in the transformation of their lives through their oneness with God.  Post-pandemic, we have an active chaplain/prayer ministry, Sunday School for our youth, and a weekly spiritually-based study group.  UCM is located in Southwest Miami-Dade County and is approximately 40 minutes from the downtown city center and the beaches.  

To apply, please send your resume to:
Click the link below to view the full Church Packet.
Church Packet

The contact information and financials will be sent upon request to qualified applicants.